Say Thank You
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

It's what your parents always remind you to say. Now you can dazzle your friends and relatives by saying it in 26 different languages.
Language | Thank you | Pronunciation | Afrikaans | dankie | dahn-kee |
Arabic | shukran | shoe-krahn |
Australian English | ta (informal) | |
Chinese, Cantonese | do jeh | daw-dyeh |
Chinese, Mandarin | xie xie | syeh-syeh |
Czech | dêkuji | deh-ku-yih |
Danish | tak | tahg |
Finnish | kiitos | kee-toas |
French | merci | mehr-see |
German | danke | dahn-kah |
Greek | efharisto | ef-har-rih-stowe |
Hebrew | toda | toh-dah |
Hindi, Hindustani | sukria | shoo-kree-a |
Indonesian/Malayan | terima kasih | t'ree-ma kas-seh |
Italian | grazie | gra-see |
Japanese | arigato | ahree-gah-tow |
Korean | kamsa hamnida | kahm-sah=ham-nee-da |
Norwegian | takk | tahk |
Philippines (Tagalog) | salamat po | sah-lah-maht poh |
Polish | dziekuje | dsyen-koo-yeh |
Portuguese | obrigado | oh-bree-gah-doh |
Russian | spasibo | spah-see-boh |
Spanish | gracias | gra-see-us |
Sri Lanka (Sinhak) | istutiy | isst-too-tee |
Swahili | asante | ah-sahn-teh |
Swedish | tack | tahkk |
Thai | kawp-kun krap/ka' | kowpkoom-krahp/khak |
Turkish | tesekkür ederim | teh-sheh-kur=eh-deh-rim |