Latin Words and Phrases
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

What's the language of scholars, doctors, lawyers, scientists, and priests? It's Latin, and it's not a dead language, as you can see. Here are some fun phrases and words in Latin.
English | Latin | Pronunciation |
seize the day | carpe diem | car-pay dee-um |
endlessly | ad nauseam | ad nawh-zee-um |
unique | sui generis | soo-eye jen-ur-is |
and so forth | et cetera | et set-ur-uh |
silly me | me ineptum | may in-ep-toom |
keepsake | memento | muh-men-toh |
in reality | de facto | dih fak-toh |
a common language | lingua franca | ling-gwuh frang-kuh |
really | vero | we rr oh |
with distinction | cum laude | koom lou-da |
no way | nullo modo | noh-loh moh-doh |
what's happening? | quid fit? | kwid feet |
bubble gum | manducabulla | mahn-doo-kah-boo-lah |
in or of itself | per se | pur say |
really rad dude | radicus comes | rah di coos koh mees |
read my lips | labra lege | lah-brah lay-gay |
I'm out of here | abeo | ah bay-oh |