Medicine: Biographies
- Abbe, Robert
- Abel, John Jacob
- Abulcasis
- Addison, Thomas
- Adrian, Edgar Douglas Adrian, Baron
- Aegineta, Paulus
- Agramonte, Arístides
- Allison, James Patrick
- Alter, Harvey James
- Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett
- Auenbrugger, Leopold
- Banting, Sir Frederick Grant
- Barany, Robert
- Bard, John
- Bard, Samuel
- Barnard, Christiaan Neethling
- Barré-Sinoussi, Françoise
- Bartholin
- Barton, Clara
- Bayliss, Sir William Maddock
- Beaumont, William
- Behring, Emil Adolph Von
- Bekesy, Georg Von
- Bell, Sir Charles
- Benacerraf, Baruj
- Bergmann, Ernst Von
- Bernard, Claude
- Best, Charles Herbert
- Beutler, Bruce Alan
- Bichat, Marie François Xavier
- Bing, Elisabeth Dorothea Koenigsberger
- Black, Greene Vardiman
- Black, Sir James Whyte
- Blackwell, Elizabeth
- Bloch, Konrad Emil
- Boerhaave, Hermann
- Bordet, Jules
- Bovet, Daniele
- Boylston, Zabdiel
- Brazelton, T. Berry
- Bretonneau, Pierre
- Bright, Richard
- Broca, Paul
- Bronk, Detlev Wulf
- Brown-Séquard, Charles Édouard
- Buck, Linda B.
- Burnet, Sir Macfarlane
- Cajal, Santiago Ramón Y
- Calmette, Léon Charles Albert
- Campbell, William Cecil
- Cannon, Walter Bradford
- Carlsson, Arvid
- Carrel, Alexis
- Carroll, James
- Castellani, Sir Aldo
- Celsus, Aulus Cornelius
- Charcot, Jean Martin
- Chauliac, Guy De
- Cohnheim, Julius
- Constantinus Africanus
- Cori, Carl Ferdinand
- Cori, Gerty Theresa
- Cournand, André Frederic
- Crile, George Washington
- Crofton, Sir John Wenman
- Cruveilhier, Jean
- Cushing, Harvey Williams
- Dale, Sir Henry Hallett
- Dam, Henrik
- Dandy, Walter Edward
- Debakey, Michael Ellis
- Delbrück, Max Ludwig Henning
- Dioscorides, Pedanius
- Doherty, Peter Charles
- Doisy, Edward Adelbert
- Domagk, Gerhard
- Dooley, Thomas Anthony
- Drew, Charles Richard
- Du Bois-Reymond, Emil
- Du Vigneaud, Vincent
- Dubos, René Jules
- Duchenne, Guillaume Benjamin Amand
- Dulbecco, Renato
- Dupuytren, Guillaume, Baron
- Eccles, Sir John Carew
- Edelman, Gerald Maurice
- Edwards, Sir Robert Geoffrey
- Ehrlich, Paul
- Eijkman, Christiaan
- Einthoven, Willem
- Elion, Gertrude Belle
- Enders, John Franklin
- Erasistratus
- Erlanger, Joseph
- Eustachi, Bartolomeo
- Fabricius, Hieronymus
- Fallopius
- Farmer, Paul
- Fauchard, Pierre
- Fauci, Anthony Stephen
- Fibiger, Johannes
- Finlay, Carlos Juan
- Finsen, Niels Ryberg
- Fitz, Reginald Heber
- Fleming, Sir Alexander
- Flexner, Simon
- Florey, Howard Walter Florey, Baron
- Flourens, Pierre
- Forssmann, Werner
- Fracastoro, Girolamo
- Frankland, William
- Funk, Casimir
- Galen
- Gall, Francis Joseph
- Galvani, Luigi
- Garretson, James Edmund
- Gasser, Herbert Spencer
- Gegenbaur, Karl
- Gies, William John
- Gilbert, William
- Goldberger, Joseph
- Golgi, Camillo
- Gorgas, William Crawford
- Granit, Ragnar
- Greengard, Paul
- Grenfell, Sir Wilfred Thomason
- Gross, Samuel David
- Gullstrand, Allvar
- Guthrie, Samuel
- Guy Of Chauliac
- Haffkine, Waldemar Mordecai Wolff
- Hahnemann, Samuel
- Haldane, John Scott
- Hall, Marshall
- Haller, Albrecht Von
- Halsted, William Stewart
- Hamilton, Alice
- Harpestreng, Henrik
- Harris, Chapin Aaron
- Hartline, Haldan Keffer
- Harvey, William
- Heister, Lorenz
- Hench, Philip Showalter
- Henderson, Donald Ainslie
- Henle, Jacob
- Henricus Dacus
- Herophilus
- Hess, Walter Rudolf
- Heymans, Corneille
- Hill, Archibald Vivian
- Hilleman, Maurice Ralph
- Hippocrates
- Hitchings, George Herbert
- Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd
- Hoffmann, Friedrich
- Hoffmann, Jules Alphonse
- Honjo, Tasuku
- Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
- Horsley, Sir Victor Alexander Haden
- Hosack, David
- Houghton, Michael
- Houssay, Bernardo Alberto
- Hubel, David Hunter
- Huggins, Charles Brenton
- Hunter, John
- Hunter, William
- Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
- Ignarro, Louis Joseph
- Ingenhousz, Jan
- Jacobi, Abraham
- Jauregg, Julius Wagner
- Jelliffe, Smith Ely
- Jenner, Edward
- Jerne, Niels Kai
- Jex-Blake, Sophia
- Kaelin, William George, Jr.
- Kandel, Eric Richard
- Kantrowitz, Adrian
- Karik**Oacute**, Katalin
- Katz, Sir Bernard
- Kawasaki, Tomisaku
- Keith, Sir Arthur
- Kelsey, Frances Oldham
- Kendall, Edward Calvin
- Kenny, Elizabeth
- Kim, Jim Yong
- Kitasato, Shibasaburo
- Klebs, Edwin
- Koch, Robert
- Kocher, Emil Theodor
- Köhler, Georges Jean Franz
- Kölliker, Albert Von
- Koop, C. Everett
- Koprowski, Hilary
- Kornberg, Arthur
- Kossel, Albrecht
- Krebs, Sir Hans Adolf
- Krogh, Schack August Steenberg
- Ladd-Franklin, Christine
- Laënnec, René Théophile Hyacinthe
- Landsteiner, Karl
- Laveran, Charles Louis Alphonse
- Leeuwenhoek, Antony Van
- Leidy, Joseph
- Linacre, Thomas
- Lind, James
- Lipmann, Fritz Albert
- Lister, Joseph Lister, 1St Baron
- Loewi, Otto
- Löffler, Friedrich
- Long, Crawford Williamson
- Ludwig, Carl Friedrich Wilhelm
- Luria, Salvador Edward
- Lwoff, André
- Lynaker, Thomas
- Lynen, Feodor
- Macewen, Sir William
- Mackenzie, Sir Morell
- Macleod, John James Rickard
- Magendie, François
- Malpighi, Marcello
- Manson, Patrick
- Marshall, Barry James
- Mayo, Charles Horace
- Mcdowell, Ephraim
- Medawar, Sir Peter Brian
- Mesmer, Friedrich Anton
- Metchnikoff, Élie
- Meyerhof, Otto
- Milstein, César
- Minot, George Richards
- Mitchell, Silas Weir
- Moniz, Egas
- Monod, Jacques
- Montagnier, Luc Antoine
- Morgagni, Giovanni Battista
- Morgan, John
- Morton, Rosalie Slaughter
- Morton, William Thomas Green
- Moser, Edvard Ingjald
- Moser, May-Britt
- Müller, Johannes Peter
- Murad, Ferid
- Murphy, William Parry
- Murray, Joseph Edward
- Netter, Frank Henry
- Nicolle, Charles Jules Henri
- Nightingale, Florence
- Noguchi, Hideyo
- Nuttall, George Henry Falkiner
- O'keefe, John
- Ochoa, Severo
- Omura, Satoshi
- Osler, Sir William
- Paget, Sir James
- Palmer, Daniel David
- Paracelsus, Philippus Aureolus
- Paré, Ambroise
- Paul Of Aegina
- Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich
- Peters, Vera
- Pettenkofer, Max Von
- Pirogov, Nikolai Ivanovich
- Pott, Percivall
- Probiotic
- Prusiner, Stanley Ben
- Purkinje, Johannes Evangelista
- Ramazzini, Bernardino
- Ramón Y Cajal, Santiago
- Rasis
- Ratcliffe, Sir Peter John
- Reed, Walter
- Reichstein, Tadeus
- Rhazes
- Rice, Charles Moen
- Richards, Dickinson Woodruff, Jr.
- Richet, Charles Robert
- Robbins, Frederick Chapman
- Robbins, John Bennet
- Rokitansky, Karl
- Ross, Sir Ronald
- Rous, Francis Peyton
- Roux, Pierre Paul Émile
- Rowley, Janet Davison
- Rush, Benjamin
- Sabin, Albert Bruce
- Sacks, Oliver Wolf
- Salk, Jonas Edward
- Sanctorius
- Sanger, Margaret Higgins
- Saunders, Dame Cicely
- Schally, Andrew V.
- Schick, Béla
- Semenza, Gregg Leonard
- Semmelweis, Ignaz Philipp
- Séquard, Charles Édouard Brown-
- Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
- Shippen, William, Jr.
- Siebold
- Sigerist, Henry Ernest
- Simpson, Sir James Young
- Sims, James Marion
- Slye, Maud
- Smith, Theobald
- Soranus
- Spock, Benjamin Mclane
- Starling, Ernest Henry
- Steinman, Ralph Marvin
- Steno, Nicolaus
- Stensen, Niels
- Steptoe, Patrick Christopher
- Sternberg, George Miller
- Still, Andrew Taylor
- Stopes, Marie Carmichael
- Sutherland, Earl Wilbur
- Sydenham, Thomas
- Szent-Gyorgyi, Albert Von
- Tatum, Edward Lawrie
- Taussig, Helen Brooke
- Theiler, Max
- Theorell, Axel Hugo Teodor
- Thomas, Edward Donnall
- Thomas, Lewis
- Thorne, Kip Stephen
- Trudeau, Edward Livingston
- Tu Youyou
- Vane, Sir John Robert
- Varmus, Harold Eliot
- Vesalius, Andreas
- Virchow, Rudolf
- Von Euler, Ulf
- Wagner-Jauregg, Julius
- Waksman, Selman Abraham
- Warburg, Otto Heinrich
- Warren, J. Robin
- Warren, John
- Warren, John Collins
- Wassermann, August Von
- Waterhouse, Benjamin
- Weber, Ernst Heinrich
- Weissman, Drew
- Welch, William Henry
- Weller, Thomas Huckle
- Wexler, Nancy
- Whipple, George Hoyt
- Williams, Daniel Hale
- Willis, Thomas
- Wistar, Caspar
- Wright, Sir Almroth Edward
- Yalow, Rosalyn Sussman
- Yersin, Alexandre Émile Jean
- Zinkernagel, Rolf Martin
- Zinsser, Hans
- Zur Hausen, Harald
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