Although California was sighted by Spanish navigator Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo in 1542, its first Spanish mission (at San Diego) was not established until 1769. California became a U.S. territory in 1847 when Mexico surrendered it to John C. Frémont. On Jan. 24, 1848, James W. Marshall discovered gold at Sutter's Mill, starting the California Gold Rush and bringing settlers to the state in large numbers. By 1964, California had surpassed New York to become the most populous state. One reason for this may be that more immigrants settle in California than any other state—more than one-third of the nation's total in 1994. Asians and Pacific Islanders led the influx.
Leading industries include agriculture, manufacturing (transportation equipment, machinery, and electronic equipment), biotechnology, aerospace-defense, and tourism. Principal natural resources include timber, petroleum, cement, and natural gas.
Death Valley, in the southeast, is 282 ft below sea level, the lowest point in the nation. Mt. Whitney (14,491 ft) is the highest point in the contiguous 48 states. Lassen Peak is one of two active U.S. volcanoes outside of Alaska and Hawaii; its last eruptions were recorded in 1917.
Other points of interest include Yosemite National Park, Disneyland, Hollywood, the Golden Gate Bridge, Sequoia National Park, San Simeon State Park, and Point Reyes National Seashore.
Austrian-born bodybuilder-turned-actor Arnold Schwarzenegger became governor of California in 2003 in a special recall election, replacing Gray Davis. Gov. Schwarzenegger was reelected in 2006. Jerry Brown was elected governor of California in 2010, an achievement made more remarkable by the fact that he had already been the state's governor from 1975-83.
Almost twenty years after California passed the "Save Our State" initiative, which denied public, social, educational, and health services to illegal immigrants, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill in 2011 giving illegal immigrant college students access to state-funded financial aid, the second half of two-part legislation known as the "Dream Act."
See more on California:
Encyclopedia: California
Encyclopedia: Geography
Encyclopedia: Economy
Encyclopedia: Government
Encyclopedia: History
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Selected famous natives and residents:
- Gertrude Atherton author;
- David Belasco playwright and producer;
- Shirley Temple Black actress, ambassador;
- Dave Brubeck musician;
- Luther Burbank horticulturalist;
- Julia Child chef;
- Joe DiMaggio baseball player;
- James H. Doolittle air force general;
- Isadora Duncan dancer;
- John Frémont explorer;
- Robert Frost poet;
- Henry George economist;
- Richard “Pancho” Gonzales tennis player;
- George E. Hale astronomer;
- Bret Harte writer;
- William Randolph Hearst publisher;
- Sidney Howard playwright;
- Collis Potter Huntington financier;
- Helen Hunt Jackson writer;
- Robinson Jeffers poet;
- Anthony M. Kennedy jurist;
- Jack London author;
- James W. Marshall first discovered gold;
- Aimee Semple McPherson evangelist;
- Marilyn Monroe actress;
- John Muir naturalist;
- Richard M. Nixon president;
- Isamu Noguchi sculptor;
- Frank Norris novelist;
- Kathleen Norris novelist;
- George S. Patton, Jr. general;
- Robert Redford actor;
- Sally K. Ride astronaut;
- William Saroyan author;
- Junípero Serra missionary;
- Upton Sinclair novelist;
- Leland Stanford railroad magnate;
- Lincoln Steffens journalist, author;
- John Steinbeck author;
- Adlai Stevenson statesman;
- Johann Sutter pioneer;
- Amy Tan author;
- Michael Tilson Thomas conductor;
- Earl Warren jurist;
- Serena Williams tennis player;
- Venus Williams tennis player;
- Tiger Woods golfer.