Common Abbreviations
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

A.B. | Artium Baccalaureus [Bachelor of Arts] |
abbr. | abbreviation(s), abbreviated |
Acad. | Academy |
A.D. | anno Domini [in the year of the Lord] |
alt. | altitude |
A.M. | ante meridiem [before noon]; Artium Magister [Master of Arts] |
AM | amplitude modulation |
Assn. | Association |
at. no. | atomic number |
at. wt. | atomic weight |
Aug. | August |
Ave. | Avenue |
AWOL | absent without leave |
b. | born, born in |
B.A. | Bachelor of Arts |
B.C. | Before Christ |
b.p. | boiling point |
B.S. | Bachelor of Science |
Btu | British thermal unit(s) |
C | Celsius (centigrade) |
c. | circa [about] |
cal | calorie(s) |
Capt. | Captain |
cent. | century, centuries |
cm | centimeter(s) |
co. | county |
Col. | Colonel; Colossians |
Comdr. | Commander |
Corp. | Corporation |
Cpl. | Corporal |
cu | cubic |
d. | died, died in |
D.C. | District of Columbia |
Dec. | December |
dept. | department |
dist. | district |
div. | division |
Dr. | doctor |
E | east, eastern |
ed. | edited, edition, editor(s) |
est. | established; estimated |
et al. | et alii [and others] |
F | Fahrenheit |
Feb. | February |
fl. | floruit [flourished] |
fl oz | fluid ounce(s) |
FM | frequency modulation |
ft | foot, feet |
gal. | gallon(s) |
Gen. | General, Genesis |
GMT | Greenwich mean time |
GNP | gross national product |
GOP | Grand Old Party (Republican Party) |
Gov. | governor |
grad. | graduated, graduated at |
H | hour(s) |
Hon. | the Honorable |
hr | hour(s) |
i.e. | id est [that is] |
in. | inch(es) |
inc. | incorporated |
Inst. | Institute, Institution |
IRA | Irish Republican Army |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service |
Jan. | January |
Jr. | Junior |
K | Kelvin |
kg | kilogram(s) |
km | kilometer(s) |
£ | libra [pound], librae [pounds] |
lat. | latitude |
lb | libra [pound], librae [pounds] |
Lib. | Library |
long. | longitude |
Lt. | Lieutenant |
Ltd. | Limited |
m | meter(s) |
M | minute(s) |
M.D. | Medicinae Doctor [Doctor of Medicine] |
mg | milligram(s) |
mi | mile(s) |
min | minute(s) |
mm | millimeter(s) |
mph | miles per hour |
Mr. | Mister (always abbreviated) |
Mrs. | Mistress (always abbreviated) |
Msgr | Monsignor |
mt. | Mount, Mountain |
mts. | mountains |
Mus. | Museum |
N | north; Newton(s) |
NAACP | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NE | northeast |
no. | number |
Nov. | November |
OAS | Organization of American States |
Oct. | October |
Op. | Opus [work] |
oz | ounce(s) |
pl. | plural |
pop. | population |
pseud. | pseudonym |
pt. | part(s) |
pt | pint(s) |
pub. | published; publisher |
qt | quart(s) |
Rev. | Revelation; the Reverend |
rev. | revised |
R.N. | registered nurse |
rpm | revolution(s) per minute |
RR | railroad |
S | south |
S | second(s) |
SEATO | Southeast Asia Treaty Organization |
SEC | Securities and Exchange Commission |
sec | second(s); secant |
Sept. | September |
Ser. | Series |
Sgt. | Sergeant |
sq | square |
Sr. | Senior |
SSR | Soviet Socialist Republic |
St. | Saint; Street |
UNICEF | United Nations Children's Fund |
uninc. | unincorporated |
Univ. | University |
U.S. | United States |
USA | United States Army |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USCG | United States Coast Guard |
USMC | United States Marine Corps |
USN | United States Navy |
USSR | Union of Soviet Socialist Republics |
VFW | Veterans of Foreign Wars |
VISTA | Volunteers in Service to America |
vol. | volume(s) |
vs. | versus |
W | west; watt(s) |
WHO | World Health Organization |
wt. | weight |
yd | yard(s) |
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association |
YWCA | Young Women's Christian Association |
See also State Abbreviations.