Harry Potter: Quotes from Cast
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

Quotes from the Cast of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
What the actors have to say about their roles
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Dan Radcliffe on winning the part of Harry:
"I was in the bath and talking to my mum when the phone rang and Dad came in and told me I'd got the part. I was so happy, I cried a lot! That night I woke up at two in the morning and woke up Mum and Dad and asked them, 'Is it real? Am I dreaming?'"
Rupert Grint on Ron:
"Ron is one of my favorite characters and I can really relate to him. I've got loads of brothers and sisters and I know what it's like growing up in a big family. And I still get hand-me-downs!"
Emma Watson on Hermione:
"Unlike Hermione, I've never been top of my class. In fact, quite the opposite! Although I am very bossy and my little brother tends to suffer a bit."
Harry Melling on Dudley Dursley:
"I thought playing Dudley would be fun because one minute he's sad and the next he's happy and then grumpy."
Robbie Coltrane on Hagrid:
"[Hagrid is] a bit lacking in social skills. I don't think he would ever be asked to join the golf club, but he's a good sort of fellow who likes dragons and things like that. He's actually pretty fearless and very fond of wild animals, which most people are afraid of. He's a giant and generally they aren't very nice, but he's got the good genes and takes the children under his wing."
Richard Griffiths on Uncle Vernon:
"Vernon distrusts Harry completely and is always concerned that he is going to do something strange at any moment. That is Vernon's biggest fear—he doesn't want anything strange happening that the neighbors might see."
Fiona Shaw ("Aunt Petunia") on the Durlseys:
"Their failure with their own son is all the more apparent in the presence of Harry, a boy who is clearly very gentle, very prestigious, civilized and a sort of natural knight, as opposed to Dudley, who is spoiled and hopeless . . . They're desperately keen to appear normal, but through Harry's eyes, we see that these people are monstrous in their normality."
Richard Harris on playing Dumbledore:
"I was asked to play the part and I wasn't going to do it for various reasons. Then my 11-year-old granddaughter Ellie telephoned me and said quite simply, 'Papa, if you don't play Dumbledore I will never speak to you again!' So I didn't have much choice in the matter."
Alan Rickman on playing Snape:
"I have lots of nephews and relationships with friends' children. They weren't so much excited as insistent that I do the part."
Dame Maggie Smith on playing Minerva McGonagall:
". . . how often do you get to walk around as a wizard wearing great clothes?"
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