Women Literary Figures
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

- Aidoo - Corelli |
- Dickinson - Luce |
- Mansfield - Rukeyser |
- Sackville - Yourcenar
Biographies of |
Aidoo - Corelli
- Aidoo, Ama Ata, Ghanaian author, poet, and playwright
- Akhmatova, Anna, Russian poet Acmeist school
- Alcott, Louisa May, American author
- Allen, Paula Gunn, American Indian poet, novelist, critic
- Allende, Isabel, Chilean novelist
- Alvarez, Julia, American writer
- Angelou, Maya, American writer and performer
- Antin, Mary, Russian American writer
- Armstrong, Karen, English writer, catholic nun
- Atwood, Margaret Eleanor, Canadian novelist and poet
- Austen, Jane, English novelist
- Ban Zhao, Chinese writer
- Bainbridge, Beryl, English writer
- Barnes, Djuna, American author.
- Beauvoir, Simone de, French author
- Behn, Aphra, first professional female English author
- Binchy, Maeve, Irish writer, journalist
- Bishop, Elizabeth, American poet
- Blume, Judy (Judy Sussman), writer
- Bogan, Louise, American poet and critic
- Bombeck, Erma (Erma Fiste), writer, humorist
- Botwin, Carol, writer, social critic
- Bowen, Elizabeth, Anglo-Irish novelist
- Boyle, Kay, American writer
- Bradstreet, Anne (Dudley), early American poet
- Brittain, Vera, English novelist and poet
- Brookner, Anita, English writer and art critic
- Brooks, Gwendolyn, American poet
- Brown, Helen Gurley, American writer and editor
- Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, English poet
- Buck, Pearl (Sydenstricker), American author
- Butler, Octavia, African-American writer
- Byatt, Antonia Susan, British novelist
- Caldwell, Taylor, American novelist
- Carson, Rachel Louise, American writer and marine biologist
- Cartland, Barbara, British writer
- Cather, Willa Sibert, American novelist and short-story writer
- Child, Lydia Maria, American author and abolitionist
- Chopin, Kate O'Flaherty, American author
- Christie, Dame Agatha, English detective story writer
- Cisneros, Sandra, American author
- Clark, Mary Higgins, American novelist
- Cleary, Beverly, American writer
- Colette (Sidonie Gabrielle Colette), French novelist
- Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy, English novelist
- Corelli, Marie, English novelist
- Aidoo - Corelli |
- Dickinson - Luce |
- Mansfield - Rukeyser |
- Sackville - Yourcenar
Dickinson - Luce
- Truman, Margaret Truman, writer, singer
- de Gouges, Olympe, French writer, feminist
- Dickinson, Emily, American poet
- Didion, Joan, American writer
- Dinesen, Isak, Danish author
- Dodge, Mary Mapes, American writer of children's stories
- Doolittle, Hilda, pseud. H. D., American poet
- Drabble, Margaret, English novelist
- Duras, Marguerite, French author
- Dworkin, Andrea, American writer, activist
- Edgeworth, Maria, Irish novelist
- Eliot, George, pseud. of Mary Ann Evans, English novelist
- Erdrich, Louise, American author
- Fadiman, Anne, American writer
- Frank, Anne, Dutch diarist
- Fuller, Margaret, American writer and lecturer
- Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn (Stevenson), English novelist
- Giovanni, Nikki, African-American poet, educator, activist
- Glasgow, Ellen, American novelist
- Godden, Rumer, English novelist
- Goodwin, Doris Kearns, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer of historical biographies
- Gordimer, Nadine, South African writer
- Greer, Germaine, Australian feminist and writer
- Hale, Sarah Josepha (Buell), American author, editor, and feminist
- Hansberry, Lorraine, American playwright
- Hardwick, Elizabeth, literary critic, novelist, and short-story writer
- Hellman, Lillian, American dramatist
- Highsmith, Patricia, American novelist
- Hillenbrand, Laura, American writer
- Hokinson, Helen, American cartoonist
- Holley, Mary Austin, American author
- Howe, Julia Ward, American author and social reformer
- Hurston, Zora Neale, African American writer
- Ivins, Molly, Texan columnist
- James, P.D., English writer
- Jelinek, Elfriede, Austrian novelist and playwright
- Jewett, Sarah Orne, American novelist and short-story writer
- Jong, Erica (Mann), American novelist and poet
- Johnston, Lynn, Canadian cartoonist
- Kael, Pauline, American motion picture critic
- Kincaid, Jamaica, West Indian—American writer
- Kingsolver, Barbara, American writer
- Konigsburg, E. L., American children's book author
- LaDuke, Winona, American writer
- La Flesche, Susette, reformer, writer, and lecturer
- Larson, Nella, writer
- Lastis, Mary Jane (pseudonyms: Emma Lathen, R. B. Dominic), mystery writer
- Lazarus, Emma, American poet and essayist
- Lee, Harper, American author
- Le Guin, Ursula Kroeber, American writer
- L'Engle, Madeleine (Madeleine Camp), author
- Lessing, Doris, British novelist
- Levertov, Denise, Anglo-American poet
- Lindbergh, Anne Morrow (Anne Spencer Morrow Lindbergh), author
- Lindgren, Astrid, Swedish writer
- Lowell, Amy, American poet, biographer, and critic.
- Lowry, Lois, American writer
- Luce, Clare Boothe, American playwright and diplomat
- Aidoo - Corelli |
- Dickinson - Luce |
- Mansfield - Rukeyser |
- Sackville - Yourcenar
Mansfield - Rukeyser
- Mansfield, Katherine, British author
- Mason, Bobbi Ann, writer
- Mazer, Norma Fox, writer
- Merril, Judith (Juliet Grossman; pseudonyms Ernest Hamilton, Cyril Judd, Judith Merril, Rose Sharon, Eric Thorstein), science fiction writer
- McCarthy, Mary Therese, American writer
- McCullers, Carson, American novelist
- Millay, Edna St. Vincent, American poet
- Mitchell, Margaret, American novelist
- Mitford, Nancy, English novelist and biographer
- Mitford, Mary Russell, English author
- Moore, Marianne, American poet
- Morante, Elsa, Italian novelist and poet
- Mori, Kyoko, Japanese-American poet, novelist, and nonfiction writer
- Morrison, Toni, American writer
- Munro, Alice, Canadian writer
- Murdoch, Dame Iris, British novelist and philosopher
- Nin, Anaïs, American writer
- Oates, Joyce Carol, American author
- Olds, Sharon, American poet
- Olsen, Tillie, American writer
- Ozick, Cynthia, American writer
- Parker, Dorothy (Rothschild), American short-story and verse writer
- Petry, Ann, novelist
- Pisan, Christine de, French poet
- Plath, Sylvia, American poet
- Porter, Katherine Anne, American author
- Post, Elizabeth, American writer and etiquette expert
- Potter, Beatrix, English writer, illustrator
- Powell, Dawn, American novelist
- Proulx, Annie, American writer
- Raine, Kathleen, English poet and critic
- Rand, Ayn, American writer
- Renault, Mary, pseud. of Mary Challens, English novelist
- Rey, Margret, children's writer
- Rhys, Jean, English novelist
- Rice, Anne (Howard Allen O'Brien), American author
- Rich, Adrienne, American poet
- Rossetti, Christina Georgina, English poet
- Rowling, J. K., children's writer
- Rukeyser, Muriel, American poet
- Aidoo - Corelli |
- Dickinson - Luce |
- Mansfield - Rukeyser |
- Sackville - Yourcenar
Sackville - Yourcenar
- Sackville-West, Vita, English writer
- Sagan, Françoise, French novelist
- Sand, George, French novelist
- Sarton, May, American poet and novelist
- Sayers, Dorothy Leigh, English writer
- Sexton, Anne, American poet
- Shange, Ntozake, writer
- Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, English author
- Silko, Leslie Marmon, American author
- Smith, Stevie, English poet and novelist
- Sontag, Susan, American writer and critic
- Spark, Dame Muriel, Scottish novelist
- Spyri, Johanna, Swiss author
- Stafford, Jean, American writer
- Steel, Danielle (Danielle Fernande Schuelein-Steel), author
- Stein, Gertrude, American author and patron of the arts
- Steinem, Gloria, American journalist and feminist
- Stowe, Harriet Beecher, American novelist and humanitarian
- Strauss, Juliet Virginia Humphreys, American writer
- Tarbell, Ida Minerva, American author
- Tartt, Donna, American writer
- Teasdale, Sara, American poet
- Trilling, Diana, writer
- Tyler, Anne, American novelist
- Vreeland, Diana, American fashion editor and consultant
- Walker, Alice, African American novelist and poet
- Warner, Susan Bogert (Elizabeth Wetherall), American novelist
- Wasserstein, Wendy, American playwright
- Wells, Ida Bell, American journalist, activist
- Welty, Eudora, American author
- West, Dame Rebecca, English novelist and critic
- Wharton, Edith Newbold Jones, American novelist
- Wheatley, Phillis, American poet
- Winnemucca, Sarah, Paiute lecturer, educator, and writer
- Wolf, Christa, German novelist
- Wollstonecraft, Mary, English author and feminist
- Woodhull, Victoria (Claflin), and Tennessee Claflin, American journalists and lecturers
- Woolf, Virginia (Stephen), English novelist and essayist
- Yourcenar, Marguerite, French writer
- More from Women's History Month
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