Fair Verona

The Question:
The story of Romeo and Juliet happened in Verona. Is there any place or thing in Verona, in connection to the play, that I could go see?
The Answer:
William Shakespeare's famous star-crossed lovers are fictional creations loosely based on characters from a story by Luigi da Porto from Vicenza. It is believed, however, that his famous Montagues were modelled on a real family in Verona, and it is possible to visit the previous home of that family (Casi di Romeo or Romeo's House), which has now been turned into an affordable restaurant.
If you're in the mood for something a little more romantic, there is a fourteenth century estate, acquired by the city in 1905, that proclaims itself Casa de Giulietta, or Juliet's House, located at No. 27 Via Cappello. Perhaps a bit contrived, as it is not clear if anyone by the name Capulet ever lived there, this tourist destination is home to a balcony and courtyard which brings to mind speeches (O, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?) between the lovers, and where, of course, visitors may take photographs.
More famously, Casa de Giulietta contains a bronze statue in the image of Juliet herself. The statue has evolved into something of a legend over the years, following the path of other European attractions such as Ireland's Blarney Stone. Where a kiss on the Blarney Stone will bring one seven years of eloquent speech, a rub of Juliet's right breast will bring one luck in love. Don't forget to bring a marker along with you as well. Writing your name on one of the outer walls of the house, along with the countless others who have contributed to the graffiti in the past by declaring their love for one another, promises a love that is everlasting.
-The Fact Monster