Hardly water(gate) under the bridge
Updated February 23, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

The Question:
I have researched literally hundreds of articles and cannot find the names of the seven senators on the Senate Watergate Committee. Can you please give me this information or another place where I could find it?
The Answer:
We went back to the 1974 Information Please Almanac to find your answer. The actual name of the committee was the Senate Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities and it was created on Feb. 7, 1973. The members were:
- Sam J. Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.); chairman
- Howard H. Baker Jr. (R-Tenn.); vice chairman
- Edward J. Gurney (R-Fla.)
- Daniel K. Inouye (D-Hawaii)
- Joseph M. Montoya (D-N.M)
- Herman E. Talmadge (D-Ga.)
- Lowell P. Weicker (R-Conn.)
Please check out our information on the Watergate Affair and other presidential scandals at infoplease.com.
-The Fact Monster
See also: