The Rolling Stones: Biographies, Timeline, Trivia, Songs and More
The Rolling Stones are one of the most popular and influential rock bands of all time. Their first album, simply titled The Rolling Stones, was released on April 16, 1964. After 50 years, they're still going strong. Read about their legacy, biographies of band members, and check out the Rolling Stones timeline, concert films, and more.
![]() Mick Jagger and Keith Richards |
Facts and Stats
Learn about famous firsts by the Rolling Stones, read a timeline, and take a poll
- Rolling Stones by the Numbers
- Timeline: The Rolling Stones
- Famous Firsts of the Rolling Stones
- Poll: Most Influential Band
- Books and Movies Featuring the Rolling Stones
- The Lasting Influence of the Rolling Stones
The Rolling Stones' Legacy
Infoplease picks the best Rolling Stones movies and books, their most influential songs, and analyzes their enduring influence
Read biographies of band members, friends, family, and associates