Harry Potter Haiku

Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff
The Harry Potter Haiku Archive, Part II
Wizardry poetry from our readers!

On to the Haiku Archive, Parts I, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and other kinds of Harry poems!

All About Harry Haikus

Hedwig is swooping
through the Great Hall at Hogwarts
it's the morning post
PotterWitch, 13

who would suspect p-
p-poor st-stuttering P-
Professor Quirrel
Kira, 8

His scar reminds him
of his mysterious past
The Dark Lord beware
Jessica, 12

Potter he's our man
he's the Gryffindor best man
with his broom all tan
Jason, 10

Harry as a child
Left on his relatives' steps
Miserable for years
Courtney, 9

Dancing in the air
On a broomstick very high
There doth Harry fly
Lizzy, 15

From both man and beast
Concealing his true nature
He must live a lie.
Blaise, 18

wands, owls, and boggarts
centaurs, unicorns, and friends
a world of magic.

faster than lightning
Harry speeds on his firebolt
he catches the Snitch
Evan, 13

Harry's fast Nimbus
Is the best broom that there is
Always victory
Weasle, 10

He who defeated
the bad Dark Lord has survived
the terrible curse
Louisa, 11

unicorn dead down
a trail of silver-blue blood
evil lurks nearby
Laura, 13

Dudley the fat boy
Draco the Slytherin snob
Harry's nemeses

Hogwarts school heroes
Harry, Ron, Hermione
Defeated Voldemort
Shanley, 8

Professor Sprout was
A squat little witch who wore
A very patched hat.
Rebecca, 11

he handed Harry
a large bar of chocolate
eat the lot or else
Emilie, 10

Christmas was coming
Christmas trees around the room
The lake froze solid.
Camilla, 11

You all know of course
Hogwarts was founded over
A thousand years back
Rachel, 11

Cold damp air rushed past
As he fell down, down and down
With a muffled thump
Fiona, 11

Can't stay long mother.
How come Percy gets new robes?
said one of the twins.
Penny, 10

Quirrell rolled off him
Quirrell could not touch his skin
Without suffering.
Katie, 11

Neville was all drenched
From the cauldron that did fall
Crossly he shouted
Katy, 10

what's going on here
Amy he cried in horror
you've murdered my cat
Tiffany, 11

squiggerly wiggly
jiggery and pokery
hocus pocus wham
Olivia, 11




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