Play Day
Updated February 21, 2017 | Factmonster Staff

Do you ever find yourself looking for something to do on a rainy day? Try putting on a play for your family and friends.
Here’s a guide to help you create a dazzling drama.
- Put on your director’s hat. The director has the most important job in a play. A director tells the actors where to stand, advises them on how to act and oversees the creation of the set and the selection of costumes. Don’t be too bossy or critical, however.
- Choose a script. Decide whether you want to write your own play or act out your favorite story or fairy tale. Either way, you’ll need to write a script, which tells the actors what to say, where to stand and what to do.
- Cast the play. Decide which person is going to play which character. If you don’t have enough people to fill all the roles, one person can play more than one role. If one of your friends is shy, he or she can be the narrator. The narrator tells the audience what is going on in the play.
- Set the Stage. Think about how the actors will enter and exit the stage. Don’t have all the characters lumped together in one spot. The person who’s talking should appear at the middle of the stage whenever possible. Don’t turn your back to the audience while you’re talking.
- Costumes. The costumes should help define the character each person is playing. Costumes can be as simple as a mask or as elaborate as a queen’s gown. Be creative! A pan could work well as a knight’s hat. A towel makes a great cape. Go through your closets; you may be surprised what you can whip together with a little imagination.
- Props. What will you need to create an interesting set, one that will make the play seem more realistic? You can probably use household items as props for your play. Props include scenery and the things that actors use on stage. It’s easier to practice the play with props in place, so you’ll be familiar with the stage when it’s time to perform. An old curtain rod works well as a wand. A broom could stand in for a horse. Ask your parents if you can paint an old sheet to use as background.
- Sound. You may want to have music or other sounds in the background. You can use taped music or perform your own music. In addition, many libraries offer collections of sound effects on CDs.
- Rehearse. It’s important to practice the play several times before you perform in front of other people. At first you can rehearse the play with your script, but you should memorize the lines before you perform in front of an audience.
- Set Up. Try to have chairs for the audience. Make tickets, posters and programs for your fans.
- Perform!! Have fun and ham it up!