Pronunciation: (aks), [key] — n., pl. v., ax•es axed, ax•ing.
—n. - an instrument with a bladed head on a handle or helve, used for hewing, cleaving, chopping, etc.
- any musical instrument.
- to have a personal or selfish motive: His interest may be sincere, but I suspect he has an ax to grind.
- to get the ax.
- dismissal from employment:to get the ax.
- expulsion from school.
- rejection by a lover, friend, etc.:His girlfriend gave him the ax.
- any usually summary removal or curtailment.
—v.t. - to shape or trim with an ax.
- to chop, split, destroy, break open, etc., with an ax: The firemen had to ax the door to reach the fire.
- to dismiss, restrict, or destroy brutally, as if with an ax: The main office axed those in the field who didn't meet their quota. Congress axed the budget.
- var. ofesp. before a vowel.
- axiom.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.