the growth of hair on the face of an adult man, often including a mustache.
a tuft, growth, or part resembling or suggesting a human beard, as the tuft of long hairs on the lower jaw of a goat or the cluster of hairlike feathers at the base of the bill in certain birds.
a tuft or growth of awns or the like, as on wheat or barley.
a barb or catch on an arrow, fishhook, knitting needle, crochet needle, etc.
Also called
the sloping part of a type that connects the face with the shoulder of the body.
Brit.the space on a type between the bottom of the face of an x-high character and the edge of the body, comprising both beard and shoulder.
the cross stroke on the stem of a capital G. See diag. undertype.
to seize, pluck, or pull the beard of: The hoodlums bearded the old man.
to oppose boldly; defy: It took courage for the mayor to beard the pressure groups.