/ Dictionary / Index B bill: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: bill Pronunciation: (bil), [key] — n. a statement of money owed for goods or services supplied: He paid the hotel bill when he checked out. a piece of paper money worth a specified amount: a ten-dollar bill. a form or draft of a proposed statute presented to a legislature, but not yet enacted or passed and made law. See a written or printed public notice or advertisement. any written paper containing a statement of particulars: a bill of expenditures. a written statement, usually of complaint, presented to a court. one hundred dollars: The job pays five bills a week. playbill. entertainment scheduled for presentation; program: a good bill at the movies. a promissory note. a written and sealed document. a written, formal petition. to fulfill the purpose or need well: As a sprightly situation comedy this show fills the bill. —v.t. to charge for by bill; send a bill to: The store will bill me. to enter (charges) in a bill; make a bill or list of: to bill goods. to advertise by bill or public notice: A new actor was billed for this week. to schedule on a program: The management billed the play for two weeks. bill Pronunciation: (bil), [key] — n. the parts of a bird's jaws that are covered with a horny or leathery sheath; beak. See diag. under the visor of a cap or other head covering. a beaklike promontory or headland. —v.i. to join bills or beaks, as doves. to kiss or fondle and whisper endearments, as lovers: My sister and her boyfriend were billing and cooing on the front porch. bill Pronunciation: (bil), [key] — n. a medieval shafted weapon having at its head a hooklike cutting blade with a beak at the back. Also calleda person armed with a bill. a sharp, hooked instrument used for pruning, cutting, etc. Also calledthe extremity of a fluke of an anchor. See diag. under bill Pronunciation: (bil), [key] — n. Brit. Dial. the cry of the bittern. Bill Pronunciation: (bil), [key] — n. a male given name, form of Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: bill (Thesaurus) bilk billable Related Content Daily Word Quiz: voracious Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language