Pronunciation: (kap'chur), [key] — v., n. -tured, -tur•ing,
—v.t. - to take by force or stratagem; take prisoner; seize: The police captured the burglar.
- to gain control of or exert influence over: an ad that captured our attention; a TV show that captured 30% of the prime-time audience.
- to take possession of, as in a game or contest: to capture a pawn in chess.
- to represent or record in lasting form: The movie succeeded in capturing the atmosphere of Berlin in the 1930s.
- to enter (data) into a computer for processing or storage.
- to record (data) in preparation for such entry.
—n. - the act of capturing.
- the thing or person captured.
- the process in which an atomic or nuclear system acquires an additional particle.
- substitution in a crystal lattice of a trace element for an element of lower valence.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.