Pronunciation: (klō'zhur), [key] — n., v., -sured, -sur•ing.
—n. - the act of closing; the state of being closed.
- a bringing to an end; conclusion.
- something that closes or shuts.
- closer (def. 2).
- an architectural screen or parapet, esp. one standing free between columns or piers.
- an occlusion of the vocal tract as an articulatory feature of a particular speech sound. Cf. constriction (def. 5).
- a cloture.
- completion of a closed traverse in such a way that the point of origin and the endpoint coincide within an acceptably small margin of error. Cf. error of closure.
- the property of being closed with respect to a particular operation.
- the intersection of all closed sets that contain a given set.
- a need for closure.
- the tendency to see an entire figure even though the picture of it is incomplete, based primarily on the viewer's past experience.
- a sense of psychological certainty or completeness:a need for closure.
- something that encloses or shuts in; enclosure.
—v.t., v.i. - to cloture.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.