the land next to the sea; seashore: the rocky coast of Maine.
the region adjoining it: They live on the coast, a few miles from the sea.
a hill or slope down which one may slide on a sled.
a slide or ride down a hill or slope, as on a sled.
the boundary or border of a country.
(in the U.S. and Canada) the region bordering on the Pacific Ocean; the West Coast: I'm flying out to the Coast next week.
no danger or impediment exists; no persons are in the path or vicinity: The boys waited until the coast was clear before climbing over the wall.
to slide on a sled down a snowy or icy hillside or incline.
to descend a hill or the like, as on a bicycle, without using pedals.
to continue to move or advance after effort has ceased; keep going on acquired momentum: We cut off the car engine and coasted for a while.
to advance or proceed with little or no effort, esp. owing to one's actual or former assets, as wealth, position, or name, or those of another: The actor coasted to stardom on his father's name.
to sail along, or call at the various ports of, a coast.
to proceed in a roundabout way.
to cause to move along under acquired momentum: to coast a rocket around the sun.