Pronunciation: (kon'jur, kun'- for 1–5, 8–10, 12 kun&sylpj&oobrever' for 6, 7, 11), [key] — v., n. -jured, -jur•ing,
—v.t. - to affect or influence by or as if by invocation or spell.
- to effect, produce, bring, etc., by or as by magic: to conjure a miracle.
- to call upon or command (a devil or spirit) by invocation or spell.
- to call or bring into existence by or as if by magic (usually fol. by up): She seemed to have conjured up the person she was talking about.
- to bring to mind; recall (usually fol. by up): to conjure up the past.
- to appeal to solemnly or earnestly: I conjure you to hear my plea.
- to charge solemnly.
—v.i. - to call upon or command a devil or spirit by invocation or spell.
- to practice magic.
- to practice legerdemain.
- to conspire.
—n. - an act or instance of witchcraft or voodoo, esp. a spell.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.