the cup-shaped depression or cavity on the surface of the earth or other heavenly body marking the orifice of a volcano.
Also called(on the surface of the earth, moon, etc.) a bowl-shaped depression with a raised rim, formed by the impact of a meteoroid. Cf. astrobleme.
(on the surface of the moon) a circular or almost circular area having a depressed floor, almost always containing a central mountain and usually completely enclosed by walls that are often higher than those of a walled plain; ring formation; ring. Cf. walled plain.
the bowllike orifice of a geyser.
the hole or pit in the ground where a bomb, shell, or military mine has exploded.
the cavity formed in a positive carbon electrode by an electric arc.
a depression at the end of a bead produced by welding.
(cap.)the Cup, a small southern constellation west of Corvus and north of Hydra.
to make craters in: Bombs had cratered the landscape.
to crater the new project.
to cancel, abandon, or cast aside:to crater the new project.
to destroy or ruin:One more disappointment won't crater me.
to form a crater or craters: The surface of the concrete cratered and cracked under the repeated impacts.