Pronunciation: (krôs, kros), [key] — n., v., adj., -er, -est.
—n. - a structure consisting essentially of an upright and a transverse piece, upon which persons were formerly put to death.
- any object, figure, or mark resembling a cross, as two intersecting lines.
- a mark resembling a cross, usually an X, made instead of a signature by a person unable to write.
- the cross upon which Jesus died.
- a figure of the Cross as a Christian emblem, badge, etc.
- the Cross as the symbol of Christianity.
- a small cross with a human figure attached to it, as a representation of Jesus crucified; crucifix.
- a sign made with the right hand by tracing the figure of a cross in the air or by touching the foreheard, chest, and shoulders, as an act of devotion.
- a structure or monument in the form of a cross, set up for prayer, as a memorial, etc.
- any of various conventional representations or modifications of the Christian emblem used symbolically or for ornament, as in heraldry or art: a Latin cross; a Maltese cross.
- the crucifixion of Jesus as the culmination of His redemptive mission.
- any suffering endured for Jesus' sake.
- the teaching of redemption gained by Jesus' death.
- the Christian religion, or those who accept it; Christianity; Christendom.
- an opposition; thwarting; frustration.
- any misfortune; trouble.
- a crossing of animals or plants; a mixing of breeds.
- an animal, plant, breed, etc., produced by crossing; crossbreed.
- a person or thing that is intermediate in character between two others.
- a punch thrown across and over the lead of an opponent.
- a contest the result of which is dishonestly arranged beforehand.
- a crossing.
- a place of crossing.
- a four-way joint or connection.
- an actor's movement from one area of a stage to another.
- Also calledan arrangement for the simultaneous sale and purchase of a block of stock handled by a single broker.
- spider (def. 6b).
- (cap.)See
- to accept trials or troubles patiently.
- to make the vows of a crusader.
—v.t. - to move, pass, or extend from one side to the other side of (a street, river, etc.).
- to put or draw (a line, lines, etc.) across.
- to cancel by marking with a cross or with a line or lines (often fol. by off or out).
- to mark with a cross.
- to lie or pass across; intersect.
- to meet and pass.
- to transport across something.
- to assist or guide (a person) across a street or intersection: The guard crossed the child at the traffic light.
- to place in the form of a cross or crosswise.
- to cause (members of different genera, species, breeds, varieties, or the like) to interbreed.
- to oppose openly; thwart; frustrate.
- to betray; double-cross.
- to make the sign of a cross upon or over, as in devotion: to cross oneself.
- to set (a yard) in proper position on a mast.
- to confront in a hostile manner.
—v.i. - to lie or be athwart; intersect.
- to move, pass, or extend from one side or place to another: Cross at the intersection.
- to meet and pass.
- to interbreed.
- to move from one side of the stage to the other, esp. by passing downstage of another actor.
- See(def. 22).
- See(def. 21).
- See(def. 6).
- to cross over from jazz to rock.
- Biol.(of a chromosome segment) to undergo crossing over.
- to switch allegiance, as from one political party to another.
- to change successfully from one field of endeavor, genre, etc., to another:to cross over from jazz to rock.
- Also,cross over to the other die; pass away.
- See (def. 11).
- He crossed me up after we had agreed to tell the police the same story.
- to change arrangements made with; deceive:He crossed me up after we had agreed to tell the police the same story.
- to confuse:I was supposed to meet him at the station, but got crossed up.
—adj. - angry and annoyed; ill-humored; snappish: Don't be cross with me.
- lying or passing crosswise or across each other; athwart; transverse: cross timbers.
- involving a reciprocal action, interchange, or the like: a cross-endorsement of political candidates; cross-marketing of related services.
- contrary; opposite: They were at cross purposes with each other.
- adverse; unfavorable.
- crossbred; hybrid.
Pronunciation: (krôs, kros), [key] - 1862–1948, U.S. educator: governor of Connecticut 1931–39.
- a combining form of
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.