Pronunciation: (krud), [key] — n., v., crud•ded, crud•ding.
—n. - jungle crud.
- a deposit or coating of refuse or of an impure or alien substance; muck.
- a filthy, repulsive, or contemptible person.
- something that is worthless, objectionable, or contemptible.
- prevarication, exaggeration, or flattery.
- a nonspecific, imaginary, or vaguely defined disease or disorder of the body:jungle crud.
- any unpleasant external ailment, disorder, or the like, as a skin rash.
- venereal disease, esp. syphilis.
- Vulgar.dried semen.
- curd.
- clabber.
—v.t., v.i. - to curd.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.