Pronunciation: (kyb), [key] — n., v., cubed, cub•ing.
—n. - a solid bounded by six equal squares, the angle between any two adjacent faces being a right angle.
- an object, either solid or hollow, having this form or a form approximating it: a cube of cheese; plastic storage cubes.
- sugar cube.
- flashcube.
- the third power of a quantity, expressed as a = a&syl;a&syl;a.
- cubic inch, esp. as a measure of the displacement of an automotive engine: a new sports car with 350 cubes.
- one of a pair of dice; die.
- a person who is unaware of or unfamiliar with current ideas, opinions, trends, etc.; square.
—v.t. - to make into a cube or cubes.
- to cut into cubes.
- to raise to the third power.
- to measure the cubic contents of.
- to tenderize (a thin cut or slice of meat) by scoring the fibers in a pattern of squares.
Pronunciation: (ky'bā), [key] — n.
- any of several tropical plants of the legume family that are used in making fish poisons and insecticides.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.