Pronunciation: (dā'līt"), [key] — n., adj., v., -light•ed -lit, -light•ing.
—n. - the light of day: At the end of the tunnel they could see daylight.
- public knowledge or awareness; openness: The newspaper article brought the scandal out into the daylight.
- the period of day; daytime.
- daybreak; dawn.
- a clear space between any two parts that should be close together, as between the jambs of the opening of a doorway or the knees of a horseback rider and a saddle.
- mental soundness; consciousness; wits: The noise scared the daylights out of us.
- to progress to a point where completion of a difficult task seems possible or probable.
—adj. - of, pertaining to, or being film made for exposure by the natural light of day.
—v.t. - to suffuse (an interior space) with artificial light or with daylight filtered through translucent materials, as roofing panels.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.