Pronunciation: (ded), [key] — adj., n., adv. -er, -est,
—adj. - no longer living; deprived of life: dead people; dead flowers; dead animals.
- brain-dead.
- not endowed with life; inanimate: dead stones.
- resembling death; deathlike: a dead sleep; a dead faint.
- bereft of sensation; numb: He was half dead with fright. My leg feels dead.
- lacking sensitivity of feeling; insensitive: dead to the needs of others.
- incapable of being emotionally moved; unresponsive: dead to the nuances of the music.
- (of an emotion) no longer felt; ended; extinguished: a dead passion; dead affections.
- no longer current or prevalent, as in effect, significance, or practice; obsolete: a dead law; a dead controversy.
- no longer functioning, operating, or productive: a dead motor; a dead battery.
- not moving or circulating; stagnant; stale: dead water; dead air.
- utterly tired; exhausted: They felt dead from the six-hour trip.
- (of a language) no longer in use as a sole means of oral communication among a people: Latin is a dead language.
- without vitality, spirit, enthusiasm, or the like: a dead party.
- lacking the customary activity; dull; inactive: a dead business day.
- complete; absolute: dead silence; The plan was a dead loss.
- sudden or abrupt, as the complete stoppage of an action: The bus came to a dead stop.
- put out; extinguished: a dead cigarette.
- without resilience or bounce: a dead tennis ball.
- infertile; barren: dead land.
- exact; precise: the dead center of a circle.
- accurate; sure; unerring: a dead shot.
- direct; straight: a dead line.
- tasteless or flat, as a beverage: a dead soft drink.
- flat rather than glossy, bright, or brilliant: The house was painted dead white.
- without resonance; anechoic: dead sound; a dead wall surface of a recording studio.
- not fruitful; unproductive: dead capital.
- deprived of civil rights so that one is in the state of civil death, esp. deprived of the rights of property.
- out of play: a dead ball.
- (of a golf ball) lying so close to the hole as to make holing on the next stroke a virtual certainty.
- (of type or copy) having been used or rejected.
- free from any electric connection to a source of potential difference and from electric charge.
- not having a potential different from that of the earth.
- (of steel)
- fully killed.
- unresponsive to heat treatment.
- (of the mouth of a horse) no longer sensitive to the pressure of a bit.
- noting any rope in a tackle that does not pass over a pulley or is not rove through a block.
- completely inactive or inoperable; no longer in action or under consideration: Our plans to expand the business have been dead in the water for the past two months.
- in the very act of committing a crime, offense, or mistake; red-handed.
—n. - the period of greatest darkness, coldness, etc.: the dead of night; the dead of winter.
- dead persons collectively: Prayers were recited for the dead.
—adv. - absolutely; completely: dead right; dead tired.
- with sudden and total stoppage of motion, action, or the like: He stopped dead.
- directly; exactly; straight: The island lay dead ahead.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.