Pronunciation: (den), [key] — n., v., denned, den•ning.
—n. - the lair or shelter of a wild animal, esp. a predatory mammal.
- a room, often secluded, in a house or apartment, designed to provide a quiet, comfortable, and informal atmosphere for conversation, reading, writing, etc.
- a cave used as a place of shelter or concealment.
- a squalid or vile abode or place: dens of misery.
- one of the units of a cub scout pack, analogous to a patrol in the Boy Scouts.
—v.t. - to drive or pursue (an animal) into its den.
- to kill (an animal) inside its den.
—v.i. - to live in or as if in a den.
- Denmark.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.