to bring out the capabilities or possibilities of; bring to a more advanced or effective state: to develop natural resources; to develop one's musical talent.
to cause to grow or expand: to develop one's muscles.
to elaborate or expand in detail: to develop a theory.
to bring into being or activity; generate; evolve.
to transfer the details of (a more or less two-dimensional design, pattern, or the like) from one surface, esp. one that is prismatic or cylindrical, onto another, usually planar, in such a way that the distances between points remain the same.
to reach sexual maturity.
to cause to go through the process of natural evolution from a previous and lower stage.
to progress from an embryonic to an adult form.
to undergo growth and differentiation in ontogeny or progress in phylogeny.
to express in an extended form, as in a series.
to unfold, by various technical means, the inherent possibilities of (a theme).
to render visible (the latent image on an exposed film or the like).
to treat (an exposed film or the like) with chemicals so as to render the latent image visible.
to bring (a piece) into effective play, esp. during the initial phase of a game when pieces are moved from their original position on the board: He developed his rook by castling.
to prepare (a new mine) for working by digging access openings and building necessary structures.
to grow into a more mature or advanced state; advance; expand: She is developing into a good reporter.
to come gradually into existence or operation; be evolved.
to be disclosed; become evident or manifest: The plot of the novel developed slowly.