Pronunciation: (dīk), [key] — n., v., diked, dik•ing.
—n. - an embankment for controlling or holding back the waters of the sea or a river: They built a temporary dike of sandbags to keep the river from flooding the town.
- a ditch.
- a bank of earth formed of material being excavated.
- a causeway.
- a low wall or fence, esp. of earth or stone, for dividing or enclosing land.
- an obstacle; barrier.
- a long, narrow, cross-cutting mass of igneous rock intruded into a fissure in older rock.
- a similar mass of rock composed of other kinds of material, as sandstone.
- a urinal.
—v.t. - to furnish or drain with a dike.
- to enclose, restrain, or protect by a dike: to dike a tract of land.
Pronunciation: (dīk), [key] — n. Slang (often disparaging and offensive)
- dyke.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.