Pronunciation: (dûr'tē), [key] — adj., v., adv. dirt•i•er, dirt•i•est, dirt•ied, dirt•y•ing,
—adj. - soiled with dirt; foul; unclean: dirty laundry.
- spreading or imparting dirt; soiling: dirty smoke.
- vile; mean; sordid; contemptible: to play a dirty trick on someone.
- obscene; pornographic; lewd: a dirty joke.
- undesirable or unpleasant; thankless: He left the dirty work for me.
- very unfortunate or regrettable: That's a dirty shame!
- not fair or sportsmanlike; unscrupulous: a dirty fighter.
- hostile, insulting, contemptuous, or resentful: She gave me a dirty look. He made a dirty crack about the cooking.
- (of a nuclear weapon) producing a relatively large amount of radioactive fallout.
- (of the weather) stormy; squally: It looks dirty to windward.
- obtained through illegal or disreputable means: dirty money.
- appearing as if soiled; dark-colored; dingy; murky.
- using or in possession of narcotics.
- (of currency floats) manipulated, as by a central bank influencing or changing exchange rates (opposed to clean).
- to treat unfairly or reprehensibly, as by cheating or slandering.
—v.t., v.i. - to make or become dirty.
—adv. - in a mean, unscrupulous, or underhand way: to play dirty.
- in a lewd manner: to talk dirty.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.