dish: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (dish), [key]
— n.
  1. an open, relatively shallow container of pottery, glass, metal, wood, etc., used for various purposes, esp. for holding or serving food.
  2. any container used at table: dirty dishes.
  3. the food served or contained in a dish: The meal consisted of several dishes.
  4. a particular article, type, or preparation of food: Rice is an inexpensive dish.
  5. the quantity held by a dish; dishful: a dish of applesauce.
  6. anything like a dish in form or use.
  7. concavity or the degree of concavity, as of a wheel.
  8. Also calleda concave, dish-shaped reflector serving to focus electromagnetic energy as part of a transmitter or receiver of radio, television, or microwave signals.
  9. . an attractive girl or woman: The receptionist is quite a dish.
  10. an item of gossip.
  1. to put into or serve in a dish, as food: to dish food onto plates.
  2. to fashion like a dish; make concave.
  3. to gossip about: They talked all night, dishing their former friends.
  4. to defeat; frustrate; cheat.
  1. to talk together informally, esp., to gossip.
  2. to dispense abusive language, punishment, or praise, enthusiastic approval, etc.: When it comes to flattery, he can really dish it out.
  3. She dished out our pay in silver dollars.
    1. to serve (food) from a serving dish, pot, etc.
    2. to deal out; distribute:She dished out our pay in silver dollars.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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