dissolve: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (di-zolv'), [key]
— v. n. -solved, -solv•ing,
  1. to make a solution of, as by mixing with a liquid; pass into solution: to dissolve salt in water.
  2. to melt; liquefy: to dissolve sugar into syrup.
  3. to undo (a tie or bond); break up (a connection, union, etc.).
  4. to break up (an assembly or organization); dismiss; disperse.
  5. to order the termination of (a parliament or other legislative body).
  6. to bring to an end; terminate; destroy: to dissolve one's hopes.
  7. to separate into parts or elements; disintegrate.
  8. to destroy the binding power or influence of: to dissolve a spell.
  9. to deprive of force; abrogate; annul: to dissolve a marriage.
  1. to become dissolved, as in a solvent.
  2. to become melted or liquefied.
  3. to disintegrate, break up, or disperse.
  4. to lose force, intensity, or strength.
  5. to disappear gradually; fade away.
  6. to break down emotionally; lose one's composure: The poor child dissolved in tears.
  7. to fade out one shot or scene while simultaneously fading in the next, overlapping the two during the process.
  1. Also calleda transition from one scene to the next made by dissolving.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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