Pronunciation: (dis'tuns), [key] — n., v., -tanced, -tanc•ing.
—n. - the extent or amount of space between two things, points, lines, etc.
- the state or fact of being apart in space, as of one thing from another; remoteness.
- a linear extent of space: Seven miles is a distance too great to walk in an hour.
- an expanse; area: A vast distance of water surrounded the ship.
- the interval between two points of time; an extent of time: His vacation period was a good distance away.
- remoteness or difference in any respect: Our philosophies are a long distance apart.
- an amount of progress: We've come a long distance on the project.
- a distant point, place, or region.
- the distant part of a field of view: a tree in the distance.
- absence of warmth; reserve: Their first meeting in several years was hampered by a certain distance between them.
- interval (def. 6).
- See
- (in a heat race) the space measured back from the winning post that a horse must reach by the time the winner passes the winning post or be eliminated from subsequent heats.
- the greatest lower bound of differences between points, one from each of two given sets.
- disagreement or dissension; a quarrel.
- (in horse racing) to be able to run well in a long race.
- Informal.to finish or complete something, esp. something difficult, challenging, or requiring sustained effort.
- to treat coldly or in an unfriendly manner.
- to avoid becoming familiar or involved; remain cool or aloof.
—v.t. - to leave behind at a distance, as at a race; surpass.
- to place at a distance.
- to cause to appear distant.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.