/ Dictionary / Index D drain: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: drain Pronunciation: (drān), [key] — v.t. to withdraw or draw off (a liquid) gradually; remove slowly or by degrees, as by filtration: to drain oil from a crankcase. to withdraw liquid gradually from; make empty or dry by drawing off liquid: to drain a crankcase. to exhaust the resources of: to drain the treasury. to deprive of strength; tire. —v.i. to flow off gradually. to become empty or dry by the gradual flowing off of liquid or moisture: This land drains into the Mississippi. —n. something, as a pipe or conduit, by which a liquid drains. a material or appliance for maintaining the opening of a wound to permit free exit of fluids. gradual or continuous outflow, withdrawal, or expenditure. something that causes a large or continuous outflow, expenditure, or depletion: Medical expenses were a major drain on his bank account. an act of draining. an artificial watercourse, as a ditch or trench. a natural watercourse modified to increase its flow of water. to become worthless or profitless. to go out of existence; disappear. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: drain (Thesaurus) drail drainage Related Content Daily Word Quiz: abstain Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language