Pronunciation: (drōn), [key] — n.
- the male of the honeybee and other bees, stingless and making no honey. See illus. under
- a remote control mechanism, as a radio-controlled airplane or boat.
- a person who lives on the labor of others; parasitic loafer.
- a drudge.
Pronunciation: (drōn), [key] — v., n. droned, dron•ing,
—v.i. - to make a dull, continued, low, monotonous sound; hum; buzz.
- to speak in a monotonous tone.
- to proceed in a dull, monotonous manner (usually fol. by on): The meeting droned on for hours.
—v.t. - to say in a dull, monotonous tone.
—n. -
- a continuous low tone produced by the bass pipes or bass strings of musical instruments.
- the pipes (esp. of the bagpipe) or strings producing this tone.
- a bagpipe equipped with such pipes.
- a monotonous low tone; humming or buzzing sound.
- a person who speaks in a monotonous tone.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.