Pronunciation: (en-dôrs'), [key] — v., n. -dorsed, -dors•ing,
—v.t. - to approve, support, or sustain: to endorse a political candidate.
- to designate oneself as payee of (a check) by signing, usually on the reverse side of the instrument.
- to sign one's name on (a commercial document or other instrument).
- to make over (a stated amount) to another as payee by one's endorsement.
- to write (something) on the back of a document, paper, etc.: to endorse instructions; to endorse one's signature.
- to acknowledge (payment) by placing one's signature on a bill, draft, etc.
—n. - a narrow pale, about one quarter the usual width and usually repeated several times.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.