fan: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (fan), [key]
— n., v., fanned, fan•ning.
  1. any device for producing a current of air by the movement of a broad surface or a number of such surfaces.
  2. an implement of feathers, leaves, paper, cloth, etc., often in the shape of a long triangle or of a semicircle, for waving lightly in the hand to create a cooling current of air about a person: We sat on the veranda, cooling ourselves with palm-leaf fans.
  3. anything resembling such an implement, as the tail of a bird.
  4. any of various devices consisting essentially of a series of radiating vanes or blades attached to and revolving with a central hublike portion to produce a current of air: ceiling fan; wall fan.
  5. a series of revolving blades supplying air for winnowing or cleaning grain.
  6. fly (def. 34).
  7. a semicircular decoration of bunting.
  8. an alluvial fan.
  9. to become suddenly more awkward, embarrassing, or troublesome: When news of the incident was leaked to the press, everything hit the fan at once.
  1. to move or agitate (the air) with or as if with a fan.
  2. to cause air to blow upon, as from a fan; cool or refresh with or as if with a fan: He fanned his face with a newspaper.
  3. to stir to activity with or as if with a fan: to fan a flame; to fan emotions.
  4. (of a breeze, current of air, etc.) to blow upon, as if driven by a fan: A cool breeze fanned the shore.
  5. to spread out like a fan: The dealer fanned the cards.
  6. to move (oneself&hasp;) quickly: You'll fan your tail out of here if you know what's good for you.
  7. to winnow, esp. by an artificial current of air.
  8. (of a pitcher) to strike out (a batter).
  9. to punish by spanking; spank: Your mother will fan you good if you break that dish.
  1. to strike, swing, or brush lightly at something.
  2. . to slap the flanks of (a horse or other animal) repeatedly with a hat to get it to move or move faster.
  3. to spread out like a fan (often fol. by out): The forest fire fanned out in all directions.
  4. (of a batter) to strike out, usually by swinging at and missing the pitch charged as the third strike.


Pronunciation: (fan), [key]
— n.
  1. an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.: a baseball fan; a great fan of Charlie Chaplin.


Pronunciation: (fan, fän), [key]
— pl. Fans, Fan.
  1. Fang.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
See also:
  • fan (Thesaurus)