Pronunciation: (fens), [key] — n., v., fenced, fenc•ing.
—n. - a barrier enclosing or bordering a field, yard, etc., usually made of posts and wire or wood, used to prevent entrance, to confine, or to mark a boundary.
- a person who receives and disposes of stolen goods.
- the place of business of such a person.
- the act, practice, art, or sport of fencing.
- skill in argument, repartee, etc.
- a guard or guide, as for regulating the movements of a tool or work.
- a slotted guide used esp. with a framing square to lay out cuts on rafters and staircase strings.
- a means of defense; a bulwark.
- to strengthen or reestablish one's position by conciliation or negotiation: One could tell by his superficially deferential manner that he was trying to mend his fences.
- uncommitted; neutral; undecided: The party leaders are still on the fence.
—v.t. - to enclose by some barrier, establishing exclusive right to possession: to fence a farm.
- to separate by or as by a fence or fences (often fol. by in, off, out, etc.): to fence off a corner of one's yard; to fence out unwholesome influences.
- to defend; protect; guard: The president was fenced by bodyguards wherever he went.
- to ward off; keep out.
- to sell (stolen goods) to a fence.
- to reinforce (an opening in a sail or the like) by sewing on a grommet or other device.
—v.i. - to practice the art or sport of fencing.
- to parry arguments; strive to avoid giving direct answers; hedge: The mayor fenced when asked if he would run again.
- (of a horse) to leap over a fence.
- to raise a defense.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.