Pronunciation: (fīt), [key] — n., v., fought, fight•ing.
—n. - a battle or combat.
- any contest or struggle: a fight for recovery from an illness.
- an angry argument or disagreement: Whenever we discuss politics, we end up in a fight.
- a bout or contest.
- a game or diversion in which the participants hit or pelt each other with something harmless: a pillow fight; a water fight.
- ability, will, or inclination to fight: There was no fight left in him.
—v.i. - to engage in battle or in single combat; attempt to defend oneself against or to subdue, defeat, or destroy an adversary.
- to contend in any manner; strive vigorously for or against something: He fought bravely against despair.
—v.t. - to contend with in battle or combat; war against: England fought Germany.
- to contend with or against in any manner: to fight despair; to fight the passage of a bill.
- to carry on (a battle, duel, etc.).
- to maintain (a cause, quarrel, etc.) by fighting or contending.
- to make (one's way) by fighting or striving.
- to cause or set (a boxer, animal, etc.) to fight.
- to manage or maneuver (troops, ships, guns, planes, etc.) in battle.
- to fight until a decision is reached: Let them fight it out among themselves.
- See (def. 9).
- See (def. 10).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.