Pronunciation: (flan'l), [key] — n., v., -neled, -nel•ing -nelled, -nel•ling.
—n. - a soft, slightly napped fabric of wool or wool and another fiber, used for trousers, jackets, shirts, etc.
- a soft, warm, light fabric of cotton or cotton and another fiber, thickly napped on one side and used for sleepwear, undergarments, sheets, etc.
- an outer garment, esp. trousers, made of flannel.
- woolen undergarments.
- a washcloth.
- Informal.nonsense; humbug; empty talk.
- Informal.flattery; insincere or overdone praise.
—v.t. - to cover or clothe with flannel.
- to rub with flannel.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.