/ Dictionary / Index F flash: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: flash Pronunciation: (flash), [key] — n. a brief, sudden burst of bright light: a flash of lightning. a sudden, brief outburst or display of joy, wit, etc. a very brief moment; instant: I'll be back in a flash. flashlight (def. 1). superficial, meretricious, or vulgar showiness; ostentatious display. Also calleda brief dispatch sent by a wire service, usually transmitting preliminary news of an important story or development. Cf. bulletin (def. 2). bright artificial light thrown briefly upon a subject during an exposure. Seeflash lamp. flashbulb. flashtube. the sudden flame or intense heat produced by a bomb or other explosive device. a sudden thought, insight, inspiration, or vision. rush (def. 25). a ridge of metal left on a casting by a seam between parts of the mold. a ridge formed at the edge of a forging or weld where excess metal has been squeezed out. a hand containing all five suits in a game played with a five-suit pack. a device, as a lock or sluice, for confining and releasing water to send a boat down a shallow stream. the rush of water thus produced. See the cant or jargon of thieves, vagabonds, etc. a brief, intense effort that produces no really significant result. a person who makes such an effort; one who enjoys short-lived success. —v.i. to break forth into sudden flame or light, esp. transiently or intermittently: a buoy flashing in the distance. to gleam. to burst suddenly into view or perception: The answer flashed into his mind. to move like a flash. to speak or behave with sudden anger, outrage, or the like (often fol. by out): to flash out at a stupid remark. to break into sudden action. to open one's clothes and expose the genitals suddenly, and usually briefly, in public. to experience the intense effects of a narcotic or stimulant drug. to dash or splash, as the sea or waves. to make a flash or sudden display. —v.t. to emit or send forth (fire or light) in sudden flashes. to cause to flash, as powder by ignition or a sword by waving. to send forth like a flash. to communicate instantaneously, as by radio or telegraph. to make an ostentatious display of: He's forever flashing a large roll of bills. to display suddenly and briefly: She flashed her ID card at the guard. to change (water) instantly into steam by pouring or directing onto a hot surface. to increase the flow of water in (a river, channel, etc.). to coat (plain glass or a glass or ceramic object) with a layer of colored, opalescent, or white glass. to apply (such a layer). to color or make (glass) opaque by reheating. to protect from leakage with flashing. to expose (a card) in the process of dealing. to dash or splash (water). I just flashed on that day we spent at the lake. to have a sudden thought, insight, or inspiration about. to have a sudden, vivid memory or mental picture of:I just flashed on that day we spent at the lake. to feel an instantaneous understanding and appreciation of. —adj. sudden and brief: a flash storm. showy or ostentatious. caused by or used as protection against flash: flash injuries; flash clothing. counterfeit or sham. belonging to or connected with thieves, vagabonds, etc., or their cant or jargon. of or pertaining to followers of boxing, racing, etc. FLASH Pronunciation: (flash), [key] — n. a precedence code for handling messages about initial enemy contact or operational combat messages of extreme urgency within the U.S. military. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: flash (Thesaurus) flaring flashback Related Content Daily Word Quiz: entomology Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language