being in accordance with the usual requirements, customs, etc.; conventional: to pay one's formal respects.
marked by form or ceremony: a formal occasion.
designed for wear or use at occasions or events marked by elaborate ceremony or prescribed social observance: The formal attire included tuxedos and full-length gowns.
requiring a type of dress suitable for such occasions: a formal dance.
observant of conventional requirements of behavior, procedure, etc., as persons; ceremonious.
excessively ceremonious: a manner that was formal and austere.
being a matter of form only; perfunctory: We expected more than just formal courtesy.
made or done in accordance with procedures that ensure validity: a formal authorization.
of, pertaining to, or emphasizing the organization or composition of the constituent elements in a work of art perceived separately from its subject matter: a formal approach to painting; the formal structure of a poem.
being in accordance with prescribed or customary forms: a formal siege.
(of a stage setting) generalized and simplified in design, esp. of architectural elements, and serving as a permanent set for a play irrespective of changes in location.
acquired in school; academic: He had little formal training in economics.
symmetrical or highly organized: a formal garden.
of, reflecting, or noting a usage of language in which syntax, pronunciation, etc., adhere to traditional standards of correctness and usage is characterized by the absence of casual, contracted, and colloquial forms: The paper was written in formal English.
pertaining to form.
Aristotelianism.not material; essential.
pertaining to the form, shape, or mode of a thing, esp. as distinguished from the substance: formal writing, bereft of all personality.
being such merely in appearance or name; nominal: a formal head of the government having no actual powers.
(of a proof&hasp;) in strict logical form with a justification for every step.
(of a calculation) correct in form; made with strict justification for every step.
(of a calculation, derivation, representation, or the like) of or pertaining to manipulation of symbols without regard to their meaning.
a dance, ball, or other social occasion that requires formalwear.