toward or at a place, point, or time in advance; onward; ahead: to move forward; from this day forward; to look forward.
toward the front: Let's move forward so we can hear better.
into view or consideration; out; forth: He brought forward several good suggestions.
toward the bow or front of a vessel or aircraft.
ahead (defs. 4, 5).
directed toward a point in advance; moving ahead; onward: a forward motion.
being in a condition of advancement; well-advanced: It was quite forward in the season when we finished our planting.
ready, prompt, or eager.
presumptuous, impertinent, or bold: a rude, forward child.
situated in the front or forepart: the forward part of the ship.
of or pertaining to the future; for the future or forward delivery: forward buying; a forward price.
lying ahead or to the front: Take the forward path.
radical or extreme, as persons or opinions: the forward trend in certain liberal thought.
a player stationed in advance of others on a team.
Football.a lineman.
Basketball.either of two players stationed in the forecourt.
something bought, as a security, for future delivery.
to send forward; transmit, esp. to a new address: to forward a letter.
to advance or help onward; promote: The training will help to forward your career.
to advance or play a mechanism, recording tape, cassette, etc., in the forward direction: to find a musical selection without forwarding through the whole cassette.