Pronunciation: (frap), [key] — n. Northeastern U.S. (chiefly eastern New Eng.)
- a milkshake made with ice cream.
Pronunciation: (fra-pā' Fr. fra-pā'), [key] — n., pl. adj., v., -pés -péed, -pé•ing.
—n. - a fruit juice mixture frozen to a mush, to be served as a dessert, appetizer, or relish.
- an after-dinner drink consisting of a liqueur, as crème de menthe, poured over cracked or shaved ice.
- frappe.
- a beating of the toe of the working foot against the ankle of the supporting foot.
—adj. - chilled; iced; frozen.
—v.t. - to make a frappé of: to frappé rum, fruit juice, and cracked ice.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.