any abnormal phenomenon or product or unusual object; anomaly; aberration.
a person or animal on exhibition as an example of a strange deviation from nature; monster.
a sudden and apparently causeless change or turn of events, the mind, etc.; an apparently capricious notion, occurrence, etc.: That kind of sudden storm is a freak.
an imperfect coin, undetected at the mint and put into circulation.
a stamp differing from others of the same printing because of creases, dirty engraving plates, etc. Cf. error (def. 8),(def. 8).
a drug freak.
a person who has withdrawn from normal, rational behavior and activities to pursue one interest or obsession:a drug freak.
a devoted fan or follower; enthusiast:a baseball freak.
a hippie.
capriciousness; whimsicality.
unusual; odd; irregular: a freak epidemic.
—v.i., v.t.
to become or make frightened, nervous, or wildly excited: The loud noise caused the horse to freak.
to be freaked out on LSD.
to enter into or cause a period of irrational behavior or emotional instability, as under the influence of a drug:to be freaked out on LSD.
to lose or cause to lose emotional control from extreme excitement, shock, fear, joy, despair, etc.:Seeing the dead body freaked him out.