Pronunciation: (fuj), [key] — n.
- a soft candy made of sugar, butter, milk, chocolate, and sometimes nuts.
Pronunciation: (fuj), [key] — n., v., fudged, fudg•ing.
—n. - nonsense or foolishness (often used interjectionally).
—v.i. - to talk nonsense.
Pronunciation: (fuj), [key] — v., n. fudged, fudg•ing,
—v.i. - to cheat or welsh (often fol. by on): to fudge on an exam; to fudge on one's campaign promises.
- to avoid coming to grips with something: to fudge on an issue.
- to exaggerate a cost, estimate, etc., in order to allow leeway for error.
—v.t. - to avoid coming to grips with (a subject, issue, etc.); evade; dodge: to fudge a direct question.
—n. - a small stereotype or a few lines of specially prepared type, bearing a newspaper bulletin, for replacing a detachable part of a page plate without the need to replate the entire page.
- the bulletin thus printed, often in color.
- a machine or attachment for printing such a bulletin.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.