Gloria: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (glôr'ē-u, glōr'-), [key]
— n.
    1. SeeGloria in Excelsis Deo.
    2. SeeGloria Patri.
    3. the response Gloria tibi, Domine, “Glory be to Thee, O Lord.”
  1. (l.c.) a repetition of one of these.
  2. (l.c.) a musical setting for one of these.
  3. (l.c.) a halo, nimbus, or aureole, or an ornament in imitation of one.
  4. (l.c.) a fabric of silk, cotton, nylon, or wool for umbrellas, dresses, etc., often with a filling of cotton warp and yarn of other fiber.
  5. a female given name.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.