gold: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (gōld), [key]
  1. consisting of gold.
  2. pertaining to gold.
  3. like gold.
  4. of the color of gold.
  5. indicating the fiftieth event of a series, as a wedding anniversary. See table under
  6. (of a recording or record album) having sold a minimum of 1 million single records or 500,000 LPs.


Pronunciation: (gōld, gôld), [key]
  1. Nanay.


Pronunciation: (gōld), [key]
  1. born 1924, U.S. novelist and short-story writer.
  2. born 1920, U.S. astronomer, born in Austria: formulated the steady-state theory of the universe.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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