green: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (grēn), [key]
— adj., n., v. -er, -est,
  1. of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum: green leaves.
  2. covered with herbage or foliage; verdant: green fields.
  3. characterized by the presence of verdure.
  4. made of green vegetables, as lettuce, spinach, endive, or chicory: a green salad.
  5. not fully developed or perfected in growth or condition; unripe; not properly aged: This peach is still green.
  6. unseasoned; not dried or cured: green lumber.
  7. immature in age or judgment; untrained; inexperienced: a green worker.
  8. simple; unsophisticated; gullible; easily fooled.
  9. fresh, recent, or new: an insult still green in his mind.
  10. having a sickly appearance; pale; wan: green with fear; green with envy.
  11. full of life and vigor; young: a man ripe in years but green in heart.
  12. environmentally sound or beneficial: green computers.
  13. (of wine) having a flavor that is raw, harsh, and acid, due esp. to a lack of maturity.
  14. freshly slaughtered or still raw: green meat.
  15. not fired, as bricks or pottery.
  16. (of cement or mortar) freshly set and not completely hardened.
    1. (of sand) sufficiently moist to form a compact lining for a mold without further treatment.
    2. (of a casting) as it comes from the mold.
    3. (of a powder, in powder metallurgy) unsintered.
  1. a color intermediate in the spectrum between yellow and blue, an effect of light with a wavelength between 500 and 570 nm; found in nature as the color of most grasses and leaves while growing, of some fruits while ripening, and of the sea.
  2. a secondary color that has been formed by the mixture of blue and yellow pigments.
  3. green coloring matter, as paint or dye.
  4. green material or clothing: to be dressed in green.
    1. fresh leaves or branches of trees, shrubs, etc., used for decoration; wreaths.
    2. the leaves and stems of plants, as spinach, lettuce, or cabbage, used for food.
    3. a blue-green uniform of the U.S. Army.
  5. grassy land; a plot of grassy ground.
  6. a piece of grassy ground constituting a town or village common.
  7. Also calledthe area of closely cropped grass surrounding each hole.
  8. See
  9. a shooting range for archery.
  10. See(def. 1).
  11. money; greenbacks (usually prec. by the): I'd like to buy a new car but I don't have the green.
  12. (cap.) a member of the Green party (in Germany).
  13. to inspect a golf green, analyzing its slope and surface, so as to determine the difficulties to be encountered when putting.
—v.i., v.t.
  1. to become or make green.
  2. to restore the vitality of: Younger executives are greening corporate managements.


Pronunciation: (grēn), [key]
— n.
  1. (“Hetty”), 1835–1916, U.S. financier.
  2. (Henry Vincent Yorke), 1905–73, English novelist.
  3. 1837–83, English historian.
  4. born 1900, U.S. writer.
  5. 1894–1981, U.S. playwright, novelist, and teacher.
  6. 1873–1952, U.S. labor leader: president of the A.F.L. 1924–52.
  7. a river flowing S from W Wyoming to join the Colorado River in SE Utah. 730 mi. (1175 km) long.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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