/ Dictionary / Index H haul: Meaning and Definition of Find definitions for: haul Pronunciation: (hôl), [key] — v.t. to pull or draw with force; move by drawing; drag: They hauled the boat up onto the beach. to cart or transport; carry: He hauled freight. to cause to descend; lower (often fol. by down): to haul down the flag. to arrest or bring before a magistrate or other authority (often fol. by before, in, to, into, etc.): He was hauled before the judge. —v.i. to pull or tug. to go or come to a place, esp. with effort: After roistering about the streets, they finally hauled into the tavern. to do carting or transport, or move freight commercially. to sail, as in a particular direction. to draw or pull a vessel up on land, as for repairs or storage. (of the wind) to shift to a direction closer to the heading of a vessel (opposed to veer). (of the wind) to change direction, shift, or veer (often fol. by round or to). to brace (certain yards of a sailing vessel). (of the wind) to change in a clockwise direction. . to get a move on; hurry. to approach. He hauled off and struck the insolent lieutenant a blow to the chin. Naut.to change a ship's course so as to get farther off from an object. to withdraw; leave. Informal.to draw back the arm in order to strike; prepare to deal a blow:He hauled off and struck the insolent lieutenant a blow to the chin. to bring before a superior for judgment or reprimand; call to account. to come to a halt; stop. Naut.to change the course of (a sailing vessel) so as to sail closer to the wind. Naut.(of a sailing vessel) to come closer to the wind. Naut.(of a vessel) to come to a halt. —n. an act or instance of hauling; a strong pull or tug. something that is hauled. the load hauled at one time; quantity carried or transported. the distance or route over which anything is hauled. the quantity of fish taken at one draft of the net. the draft of a fishing net. the place where a seine is hauled. the act of taking or acquiring something. something that is taken or acquired: The thieves' haul included several valuable paintings. In the long haul, he'll regret having been a school dropout. a relatively great period of time:In the long haul, he'll regret having been a school dropout. a relatively great distance:It's a long haul from Maine to Texas. Naut.the drawing up on shore of a vessel for a relatively long period of time, as for winter storage or longer. For the short haul, he'll be able to get by on what he earns. a relatively small period of time:For the short haul, he'll be able to get by on what he earns. a relatively little distance:The axle wouldn't break for just a short haul. Naut.the drawing up on shore of a vessel for a relatively short period, as for repairs or painting. Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease. See also: haul (Thesaurus) haughty haulage Related Content Daily Word Quiz: penurious Analogy of the Day: Today’s Analogy Spelling Bee: Today’s Spelling Bee Frequently Misspelled Words Frequently Mispronounced Words Easily Confused Words Writing & Language