hive: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (hīv), [key]
— n., v., hived, hiv•ing.
  1. a shelter constructed for housing a colony of honeybees; beehive.
  2. the colony of bees inhabiting a hive.
  3. something resembling a beehive in structure or use.
  4. a place swarming with busy occupants: a hive of industry.
  5. a swarming or teeming multitude.
  1. to gather into or cause to enter a hive.
  2. to shelter as in a hive.
  3. to store up in a hive.
  4. to store or lay away for future use or enjoyment.
  1. (of bees) to enter a hive.
  2. to live together in or as in a hive.
  3. to become transferred from the main body of a commercial or industrial enterprise through the agency of new ownership.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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